UHS logga 16:9

Conclusions from Care for Cancer now published

All over the world, the number of new cancer cases increases at a pace which will pose enormous strains on all healthcare systems if we continue to ignore the warning signals. Even with one third of all cancer cases being traceable to lifestyle factors, we can no longer rely on prevention measures to tackle the growing cancer burden in the world.

With this insight as starting point for the dialogue, decision makers, experts and opinion builders gathered for a summit at Uppsala Castle in June to discuss how we can open up the medical advancements in cancer care to reach more patients globally. 225 delegates from 33 countries and four continents participated in two days of constructive dialogue.

The program committee, with inputs from delegates, drafted a summary of the discussions. The conclusions are now available on our web. Read and share, discuss which steps your organisation can take, within your own fields of activity and in collaboration with other actors.

The Summit, which was organised around eight workshops, focused on issues ranging from how to open up for precision medicine in healthcare; to new perspectives on value and price for new treatments and the need for cancer survivor strategies. Among varied conclusions on a broad mix of themes, some points and suggestions stand out as priorities;

Compilation of - and access to - patients’ healthcare data was discussed in all workshops. The fact that scattered data, or lack of access thereof, is an obstacle to improving cancer care, is a strong signal to decision makers that it is high time to act. The delegates provided ample arguments for why this issue should be addressed on an international level.

The power of the patient and his or her kin as a resource in cancer care was subject for discussion in both workshops and in plenum. In some regions, poor awareness of this opportunity call for improvement. In other regions, such as Sweden, patients in general have a very good basic understanding and can be partners in their own care process, by providing critical data and insights into the effects of treatments.

To learn more from the dialogue at Uppsala Health Summit, download your copy of the full report!

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  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se