UHS logga 16:9

Globocan 2018 – new data available

During his keynote at Uppsala Health Summit in June, Professor Max Parkin announced the up-coming release of the latest version of the global cancer report, Globocan 2018. The report, with a set of tools to compare and visualise data, is now available on internet.

According to Globocan 2018, the global cancer burden has risen to 18.1 million cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths annually. By 2040, a little more than twenty years from now, the incidence is expected to reach 29,5 million, and mortality 16,5 million. The largest increase in both incidence and mortality is predicted to take place in middle-income countries, where access to care is scarce and uneven, and where awareness needs to be improved.

Globocan’s data underlines the message from Professor Max Parkin and many others at the Summit: Cancer is already an urgent global challenge, and it is high time to scale up research, diagnosis, treatment and care in all parts of the world.

Learn more on cancer diagnoses in different parts of the world from Globocan’s website. http://gco.iarc.fr/.

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