UHS logga 16:9

Workshops at our summit

The workshops at Uppsala Health Summit provide opportunities for collaboration with fellow delegates from a diverse range of professional fields and roles in society. Together, you will develop suggestions that will contribute to the implementation of research and innovations for improving global health. Each session will be led by an expert on the topic and start off with a brief inspirational presentation.

A: Life Style and Prevention – How to Reach Concordance?

We know a lot about how we prevent diseases and how to live a healthy life. But can we make people change their lifestyles? Can e-health and other innovations facilitate sustainable health behaviour changes? What changes are needed in society and in the healthcare system to support sustainable lifestyle changes?

Workshop responsible:

Dr Pernilla Åsenlöf, Associate Professor in Physiotherarapy, Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University.

Introductions by:

  • Maj-Lis Hellenius, Professor , Karolinska Institutet
  • Dr Lou Atkins, Research Associate, Research Department of Clinical, Education and Health Psychology, University College London
  • Dr Sofia Ernestam, MD, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital

Workshop moderator:

Ulrika Hjalmarsson Neideman, journalist, producer and host of Sveriges Radio’s, the Swedish public service radio broadcaster’s, health science program “Kropp och Själ” (Body and Soul).

B: Diagnostics and Screening – Costs and Benefits

New diagnostic technologies open up possibilities to detect an increasingly wider range of diseases at a considerably earlier stage than ever before. In many cases, this opens up for improved prospects for treatments, even prevention.

How can these technologies be implemented in the regular healthcare system? How much should we invest in these technologies? How do they challenge the role of the patient and the doctor?

Workshop responsible:

Dr Johan Rung, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University: Facility manager SciLifeLab Clinical Sequencing.

Introductions by:

  • Professor Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University
  • Professor Erik Ingelsson, Dept of Medical Scienes, Molecular Epidemiology, Uppsala University
  • Professor Stephen Bevan, Director of the Centre for Workforce Effectiveness at The Work Foundation and an Honorary Professor at Lancaster University
  • Barbro Westerholm, MD, Member of Swedish Parliament

Workshop moderator:

Andreas Ringman Uggla, MD, PhD, principal at Boston Consulting Group.

C: Maximizing Public Mental Health in Ageing – Empowering Strategies and Determinants of Mental Health in Elderly Populations.

A sense of existential and social cohesion, a feeling of mastery, and self-determination together with an experience of dignity, status, identity and respect are the most fundamental prerequisites for an individual’s ability to keep physically and mentally healthy, and for achieving a better quality of life for those with chronic and/or other health problems.

These domains are also culturally sensitive and linked to prerequisites reflecting an individual’s social cohesion and integration in family and other social networks, including health-care structures.

How shall we include public mental health in our understanding of public health? What kinds of obstacles exist in our health care- and service sectors that work against a public mental health promotion orientation? What societal, organizational, cultural, individual resources exist but are currently not being utilized for improving public mental health strategies for healthy elderly populations?

Workshop responsible:

Valerie DeMarinis, PhD (psychology) Professor of Psychology of Religion and Cultural Psychology; Research Director, Public Mental Health Promotion research area through IMPACT research programme at Uppsala University

Introductions by:

  • Wolfgang Rutz, MD, PhD Professor of Public Mental Health, Coburg University; Senior Clinical Advisor, Public Mental Health Promotion research area through IMPACT research programme at Uppsala University
  • Valerie DeMarinis, PhD (psychology) Professor of Psychology of Religion and Cultural Psychology; Research Director, Public Mental Health Promotion research area through IMPACT research programme at Uppsala University
  • Patrik Grahn, Agr.D, M.Sc (Biology), Health & Recreation, Department of Landscape, Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Workshop moderator

Fredrik Hed, Medical Journalist, VivaText Pharma AB.

D: Food for Ageing – Individual and Societal Perspectives?

Older adults have special dietary needs in order to limit the risks and negative effects of sarcopenia, frailty and cognitive decline. Do we have the right guidelines, and how do we translate them in the daily care and healthcare offered our elderly? Can society afford to invest in healthy food among older in the society,in homecare or nursing homes, or can we afford not to?

Workshop responsible:

  • Professor Tommy Cederholm, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Uppsala University.
  • Dr Rikard Landberg, Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Affiliated researcher at the Nutritional Epidemiology Unit, Institute for Environmental Medicine (IMM), Karolinska Institutet.

Introductions by:

  • Alicja Wolk, Professor, Karolinska Institutet
  • Agnes Pedersen, Professor, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
  • Johan Carlson, General Director, Folkhälsomyndigheten – Public Health Agency of Sweden

Workshop moderator:

Ulrika Hjalmarsson Neideman, journalist, producer and host of Sveriges Radio’s, the Swedish public service radio broadcaster’s, health science program “Kropp och Själ” (Body and Soul).

E: Care for the Person not for the System – A Person Centred Perspective on the Cooperation Between Care and Healthcare.

The concepts of person-centred care and patient participation are considered important in both medical and care services. In this workshop, we aim for a discussion on how we can meet old multi-morbid persons’ needs for care and how healthcare can be organized, putting the person in centre. What experiences can we build upon? What changes do we need to induce on a systems level? Can we afford such care?

Workshop responsible:

  • Dr Barbro Wadensten, Senior lecturer, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Quality of care and safe care
  • Dr Susann Järhult, MD Emergency Care, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital
  • Dr Åsa Muntlin Athlin, Researcher, Department of Public Health; Quality of Care.

Introductions by:

  • Prof. Gerd Ahlström, Vårdalinstitutet, the Swedish Institute for Health Sciences
  • Eva Nilsson Bågenholm, MD, National Coordinator for Elderly Care, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
  • Fredrik Eklund, PhD, Director, Nordic Healthcare Group
  • Marianne Winqvist, Registered psychologist, PhD, Researcher, Uppsala Regional Council

Workshop moderator:

Paula Blomqvist, Senior lecturer, Department of Government, Uppsala University.

F: Technologies for Healthy Ageing – Implementation of Technical Aids in Home Care and Nursing Homes.

The seminar will focus on the prevalence of personal technology, and how this creates opportunities for new ways of delivering healthcare services and service integration.

Workshop responsible:

  • Dr. Johanna Ulfvarson, Programme Manager Life Science, VINNOVA – the Swedish Innovation Agency
  • Karin Eriksson, MSc, the Swedish Innovation Agency.

Introductions by:

  • Sandra Kleveland, Developer, The City of Vasteras welfare technology
  • Åsa Löving, Developer, The City of Vasteras welfare technology
  • Stefan Kindberg, Trionic
  • Tomas Ward, Bioservo
  • Stephen Von Rump, Giraff

Workshop moderator:

Helene Richardsson, eHealth expert, former Microsoft and chair for the User eHealth Stakeholder Group, giving advice to the European Commission.

G: Respecting the Elderly's Needs in Medical and Economical Evaluations of Drugs

Providing effective, safe and cost-effective medical care for the elderly covers several different dimensions.

The incentive to develop new medical therapies for the growing elderly population is affected by how the different therapies are evaluated, specifically in regard to deciding on marketing authorization and reimbursement status.

In this workshop, potential obstacles for providing effective, safe, and cost-effective medical care for the elderly in the future will be highlighted. The importance of providing the right incentives for developing drugs for the growing elderly population and of making sure that the elderly’s innate complications are accounted for.

We will discuss the specific challenges in evaluating drugs for the elderly among which their multi-morbidity is an important one. Also, we will discuss the different principles for health economic evaluation and their consequences on what will be called value for money or not, especially from which perspective to evaluate drugs.

Workshop responsible:

  • Dr Sophie Langenskiöld, researcher at Institute for Evaluation of Labour Markets and senior lecturer Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Health economy
  • Dr Eva Arlander, Head of Unit Use of Medical Products, Medical Products Agency, Aina Törnblom, BSc Pharmacology, Director R&D, LIF – the Research Based Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Johanna Jacob, Head Market Access Oncology, Novartis Sverige AB

Introductions by:

  • Prof. Ben van Hout, Health Economics and Decision Science, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Francesca Cerreta, Senior Scientific Administrator, Geriatric Medicines Strategy, European Medicines Agency

Workshop moderator:

Fredrik Hed, Medical Journalist, VivaText Pharma AB, and Hans Winberg, Leading Healthcare.

Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se