UHS logga 16:9


Tuesday 8 October

08:00 Registration opens

At Uppsala Castle (entrance from courtyard)

08:40 Performance

Performance by Uppsala Dance Academy while delegates arrive. Choreography by Zala Pezdir.

9:00 Uppsala Health Summit Opening

Welcome Address: Uppsala University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Anders Malmberg, Chairman of Uppsala Health Summit Steering Committee

Opening Remarks by H.R.H. Prince Daniel of Sweden

09:30 Plenary Session 1. Time to deliver on children’s mental and physical health

The aim of this session is to achieve a common understanding for the global urbanization, the associated risks to children's health and development, and the changing nature of urban childhoods.

  • Dr Graham Alabaster, Chief, Waste Management and Sanitation, UN HABITAT Protecting future generations: An urban future that cares for health
  • Dr Fiona Bull, Program Manager, Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organisation, Active Cities, Active Children
  • Jens Aerts, Urban planning specialist, UNICEF, Shaping Urbanization for Children

10:45 Coffee break

11:30 Workshops in parallel

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Workshops in parallel continue

15:30 Coffee break

16:15 Plenary Session 2. From knowledge and vision to implementation

How to gain traction for policies supporting healthy urban childhoods

  • Dr Tim Gill, Independent scholar, advocate and consultant on childhood: Child-friendly Urban Planning and Design, Insights from 12 Cities
  • Roger Madelin, CBE, Joint Head of Canada Water Development, British Land: Make the kids happy, make more money
  • Dr Sudeshna Chatterjee, CEO, Action for Children's Environments, (ACE) India: Designing Cities for Children in the Majority World

17:30 End of programme

19:00 Dinner at Norrland's Nation, one of Uppsala's renowned student clubs

Address: Västra Ågatan 14, Uppsala

Wednesday 9 October

08:00 Guided morning walk in Peter-No-Tail playground.

09:00 Plenary Session 3: Towards a balanced risk perception on childhood and adolescence

  • Dr Mariana Brussoni, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia. Outdoor play and risk is essential for healthy child development.
  • Henry Mathias, NCS Strategic Lead of Care Inspectorate, Scotland. ‘Better a broken bone than a broken spirit!' How new standards of regulation of early learning and childcare changed children's experience of outdoor play

10:00 Coffee break

10:45 Workshops in parallel

12:15 Lunch

13:15 Workshops continue

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 Plenary Session 4: Conclusions from workshops and take home messages

16:15 Uppsala Health Summit 2019 closes

Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se