UHS logga 16:9

Workshops at our Summit

Workshops at Uppsala Health Summit offer and require intense work with co-delegates from a wide range of professional fields and with different roles in society. Together, you will develop suggestions that will contribute to well-needed implementation of research and innovations for better global health. All sessions will be chaired by an expert on the topic.

Workshop Programme 16-17 March 2021

Tuesday 16 March 15:00 - 17:30 CET (GMT+1) (including break)

Wednesday17 March 15:00-17:30 CET (GMT+1) (including break)

A: Why Not Practice Knowledge? The Art of Disease Prevention

Workshop A

This workshop will focus on how to move from awareness to sustainably modified behaviors in infection prevention and control measures in the health care sector and on farms. Several parallels exist between the two sectors concerning the importance of safety culture, behaviour and personal motivation.

Research has shown that the step from knowledge to action is complicated, and the effect of new knowledge on the transformation of habits is low. Furthermore, in many situations more than one factor must be considered, since human or animal health factors as well as economical and cultural ones are highly relevant when making decision how to act. When all these three factors need to be taken into account there are no easy answers to be found, since these factors often are experienced as being in conflict with each other. In other words, a decision requires some form of prioritizations or trade-offs to be made.

In order to make changes, some form of support is often necessary. The question is what support would be fruitful? Could support that involves collaborative learning processes be a solution, i.e. when people get together to learn from each other?


  • Cortney Price, Global Behavioural Change and Communication Coordinator, Antimicrobial Resistance.
  • Leif Östman, Professor at Department of Education, Uppsala University
  • Anni McLeod, Freelance consultant, United Kingdom

Workshop prepared by:

  • Ulf Magnusson, Professor, Animal Reproduction at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Birgitta Lytsy, Senior Infection and Control Physician, Uppsala University Hospital
  • Christina Greko, Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial strategies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, National Veterinary Institute
  • Leif Östman, Professor at Department of Education, Uppsala University

B: Lots of Talk but Little Action: What's Hindering Implementation of Incentives to Stimulate Antibiotics R&D?

This workshop invites stakeholders from the private, public and non-profit sectors to discuss which obstacles are currently blocking the full implementation of three main incentives to stimulate antibiotics R&D: Market Entry Rewards, Milestone-based Prizes and Pipeline Coordinators.

The aim of the workshop is not to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of these incentives per se, but to identify the hindrances blocking their implementation.

In order to address the innovation drought in the antibiotics field, academic research and policy as well as NGO analyses have identified several incentives to stimulate antibiotic R&D and the launch of new drugs. However, while these incentives' possible effects have been researched and analyzed over the last 5 years or so, most of them are still far from being fully implemented.

In a BBC interview last year, Lord Jim O´Neil (former chair of the UK Gov't Review on AMR) expressed his disappointment by arguing that there have mostly been “empty words” from global policy makers. Still, public and private R&D actors, healthcare and industry have all clearly expressed their need for incentives, in order to reach behavioral changes on a systemic level. These actors have specifically expressed the need for incentives ‘pull’ mechanisms, as well for improved coordination and continuity of innovation support in the antibiotics pipeline.


Workshop prepared by:

  • Enrico Baraldi, Professor, Industrial Engineering & Management, Uppsala University
  • Olof Lindahl, Associate Senior Lecturer at Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University
  • Alexandra Waluszewski, Professor at Department of Economic History, Science and Technology Studies Centre, Uppsala University

C: Consumer Behaviour and Antibiotic Resistance

The aim of the workshop is to discuss possibilities of changing consumer behavior with regards to purchasing groceries produced without harmful use of antibiotics.

This workshop discussion will be guided by the following questions:

  • How can we nudge consumers towards a more sustainable purchase behavior?
  • How can we use benefits from social norms to overcome the mental barriers of consumer purchase behavior?
  • How can we use the emotional negative shame to nudge consumer towards a more sustainable antibiotic purchase behavior?


  • Alberto Guibilini, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Oxford Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease, University of Oxford
  • Erik Angner, Associate Professor, Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
  • Elin Nilsson from the Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics.

Workshop prepared by:

  • Anna-Carin Nordvall, Senior lecturer at Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University
  • Mirko Ancilotti, Doctoral/PhD student at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala University

D: Resistant Bacteria in the Environment

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss possible behavior modification actions to reduce the spread of antibiotics in the environment. The issue of antibiotics in the environment is very broad and cuts across all sectors and actors of society.

There is a need to find and address the key points where interventions can be most effective or most easily implemented, and where behavior change can really make a difference. We also need to discuss the situation in countries at all income levels and with different possibilities for mitigating strategies. Recommendations directed towards various actors and functioning in a range of different contexts will be presented.

This workshop is especially recommended for legislators/policymakers/governmental agencies, venture capitalists, industry (producers of substances, formulated medicines, diagnostics, as well as producers of meat and water for sale, including bottled water), international organisations, professionals e.g. prescribers for humans as well as animals, pharmacy organisations, consumers, persons responsible for waste treatment, risk assessors.


  • Lenore Manderson, Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology, School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Suraj K Tripathy, Associate Dean School of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India

Workshop organizers:

  • Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Nada Hanna, Doctoral student, Karolinska Institutet
  • Andreas Mårtensson, Professor, Dept. Maternal and Child Health, Uppsala University.

This is a GlobeLife workshop embedded in Uppsala Health Summit

E: Making Sense of Antimicrobial Resistance: Communicate for Change

This workshop will bring together communications experts, experts in animal and human health, journalists, scientists, and policy makers to explore how communication could lead to behavior change. The aim is to spur interactions between different disciplines to discuss effective communication tactics and successful messaging on complex topics.

Despite the looming crisis of antibiotic resistance being well understood scientifically, the response so far has not been proportionate to the scale of the problem. One reason is the failure to effectively communicate the urgency of the issue. This is in part due to the complexity of the problem, a tendency to rely on technical language, and difficulty in tailoring messages to different contexts and stakeholders.

Drawing on principles of behaviour change communication, the aim of this workshop is to spur interactions between different disciplines and professional groups and advance the discussion on effective communication tactics and messaging on antibiotic resistance. The workshop will bring together experts on communication, social sciences and antibiotic resistance to explore how communication can support shifting habits and attitudes. Drawing on principles of behaviour change communication, we will explore ways to create narratives and to tailor and deliver messages to different target groups.

After three short inspirational talks, the workshop participants will discuss and work collectively to develop communication messages and/or tactics for a set of predefined scenarios related to antibiotic use and resistance.


Workshop organized by:

  • Linus Sandegren, Project Coordinator at Uppsala Antibiotic Center, Uppsala University.
  • Eva Garmendia, Project Coordinator, Uppsala Antibiotic Center, Uppsala University.
  • Maria Pränting, Scientific Coordinator, ReAct, Uppsala University.
  • Alexandra Hoegberg, Head of Global Communications, Uppsala Monitoring Centre.

F: Children and the Wild: Potential Benefits and Perils in Human-Animal Encounters

The workshop aims to draw on participants’ experiences to explore how we can address both the potential benefits and the perils of human-animal encounters, especially for children.

From the everyday practices of children living with and tending to animals in their homes to planned educational activities in which children visit animals at farms, research has indicated that human-animal encounters can promote learning among both adult and children. Meanwhile, such encounters also involve the perils of exposure to infection and the transmission of resistant genes between humans and animals. These perils represent the ‘wild’ of zoonosis and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), highlighting our limited ability to control all aspects of human-animal encounters. To realize the learning benefits of human-animal encounters, there is a need to account for ongoing microbial processes.

The workshop offers participants an opportunity to:

  1. reflect on their past experiences of animal proximal practices from the perspective of potential benefits and perils and
  2. develop a vision and action plan concerning how we can facilitate children’s human-animal encounters, harnessing their learning potential while addressing the 'wild' of zoonosis and AMR.


  • Caleb Mandikonza, Life Sciences Education Lecturer at University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
  • Kristina Osbjer, Researcher in Zoonotic diseases, Antimicrobial resistance and veterinary public health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Workshop prepared by:

  • Martin Mickelsson, Researcher, Dept. of Education/SWEDESD, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Tanja Strand, Researcher, National Veterinary Institute, Sweden

G: Where are our Antibiotics? Three Possible Solutions to Address Antibiotic Shortages and Improve Antibiotics Supply Globally

This workshop aims to discuss possible policy and industrial solutions to maintaining the value of existing antibiotics for future generations.

Antibiotic shortages are becoming a serious problem globally as supply is patchy and at risk of collapse. Company withdrawals from one or several markets jeopardize availability and many low-income countries, where the needs are greatest, have low access to essential drugs. For many antibiotics, supply chains rely on just a handful of producers per active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The reasons for poor availability and access include low profitability for antibiotic providers, weak supply chains, unbalances in the API sector, and lack of coordination between the various actors involved in the antibiotics field.

The Swedish network PLATINEA - a multi-sectorial collaboration platform to preserve and enhance the value of existing antibiotics – have identified more than 30 different approaches to making the supply more secure.

  • In this workshop, we will focus of three of these strategies and how to overcome obstacles for their implementation; namely 1) Increase transparency of all antibiotic supply chains; 2) Improve profitability throughout the supply chain starting from increased reimbursement and more certainty for suppliers (e.g. long term contracts); both which will enable investments in new and upgrades factories (so as to counter risks of adverse events such as production failures and environmental pollution).
  • A secondary desired outcome of the workshop is explore opportunities for expanding on the concept of PLATINEA and establishing an international platform for making the antibiotic market less fragile.


Workshop prepared by:

  • Enrico Baraldi, Professor, Industrial Engineering & Management, Uppsala University, Project manager PLATINEA.
  • Sofia Wagrell, Lecturer at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Uppsala University
  • Therese Fagerqvist, Collaboration Manager, Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office

H: Teaching AMR: Schools as Change Agents

In this workshop, we will bring together a group of educators, curriculum experts, policy makers and health experts to discuss the role that schools can play in giving young people competence to act responsibly and preventively and when antibiotics are necessary, to use them wisely.

In order to address the multi sectorial nature of AMR there is a need for teaching that make students pay attention to, and see connections between the many concurrent perspectives of relevance such as medical, ecological, technical, ethical, social and economic. The workshop will address what young people need to know to be and become action-competent in relation to AMR issues, and how this competence is best taught in the context of a formal education system. The workshop discussion will be guided by the following questions:

  • What is the basic knowledge a student/community citizen need to know, including both facts and values, to develop action competence in relation to AMR issues.
  • How do we work to enable science (biology) teachers to feel confident in teaching issues of high complexity, including multiple perspectives?
  • How is it possible to teach a topic which might have very severe consequences, without students getting scared or disillusioned for the future?
  • How do we work to accumulate and disseminate experiences and build a knowledge base around teaching about AMR?


Workshop prepared by:

  • Eva Lundqvist, Senior Lecturer at Department of Education, Uppsala University
  • Malena Lidar, Senior Lecturer at Department of Education, Uppsala University

Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se