UHS logga 16:9



17:30 - 19:00 Welcome reception at rmlands Nation


08:00 Registration opens at Uppsala Castle

9:00 Uppsala Health Summit Opening

Dance perfomance on the theme Sustain

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks by Professor Anders Hagfeldt, Vice Chancellor Uppsala university and chairman of the Uppsala Health Summit Steering Committee

09:15 Plenary Session 1: Food Systems for Health

View this session online

The goal of this session is to achieve a common understanding of the current state of our global food system and its impacts on our health, as well the transformation needed to secure safe and healthy diets for all.


  • Dr. Francesco Branca Director, Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO
  • Dr. Patrizia Fracassi Senior Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO: Biodiversity and healthy diets: two levers for transforming agri-food systems in the context of climate change
  • Dr. Namukolo Covic ILRI Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia, International Livestock Research Institute

10:45 Coffee break

11:30 Workshops in parallel

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Workshops in parallel continue

15:30 Coffee break

16:15 Plenary Session 2: Transforming the food system - what does it mean and how does change happen?

View this session online through this link.

In this session, we will discuss what the terms mean to different groups representing various interests in the food systems and how different actors can work together for policy and practice change.


  • Dr. Cass R. Sunstein, Founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School. Author of Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness (with Richard H. Thaler, 2008)
  • Dr. Marie Chantal Messier, Assistant Vice-President and Global Head of Food and Industry Affairs, Nestlé: "A private sector perspective on transforming food systems that are good for people and the planet”
  • Dr. Tara Garnett, Director, TABLE, Researcher at the Food Climate Research Network, Environmental Change Institute and Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford

19:00 Dinner at Stockholms Nation


09:00 Welcome and report back from workshops from Day 1.

09:30 Plenary Session 3: Transformations on the ground: policy, participation and ethics

View this session online through this link.

In this session, we will look into the toolbox of policy interventions to create the right incentives for adopting more appropriate practices aimed at systems change, as well as the ethical aspects of our options and choices.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Dr. Corinna Hawkes, Professor of Food Policy, City University of London: How to drive systems change: 6 key policies and participatory practices
  • Dr. Anna T Höglund, Professor of Care Ethics and Gender Studies. Uppsala University: Food for thought. Ethical aspects on our food choices
  • Ms. Antje Becker-Benton, Managing Director, Behavior Change & Community Health, Save the Children US

10:50 Coffee break

11:20 Workshops in parallel

12:45 Lunch

13:45 Workshops continue

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Plenary Session 4: Conclusions from workshops

View the plenary sessions 4 and 5 online through this link.

16:10 Plenary Session 5: Healthy Lives from Sustainable Food Systems: The way forward

Concluding discussion

  • Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa
  • Dr Anders Nordström, Ambassador for Global Health, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Dr Stefan Swartling Peterson, Professor of Global Transformations for Health, Karolinska Institutet, visiting Professor at Makerere University, Uganda and Uppsala University
  • Loay Radwan, Young Leader for Sustainable Development Goals at United Nations
  • Brief closing ceremony with Dr. Björn Eriksson, Director General of the Swedish Medical Product Agency and member of the Uppsala Health Summit Steering Committee

17:00 Uppsala Health Summit 2022 closing


All plenary sessions are moderated by Louise Hård af Segerstad

Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se