UHS logga 16:9


Monday 18 October

14:00 Opening and welcome

14:10 Plenary Session 1: The big picture

Key Note Address by Dr Ledia Lazeri, WHO Europe Regional Advisor, Mental Health

Key Note Address by Benjamin Perks, Head of Campaigns and Advocacy at UNICEF, New York

15:00 Break

15:10 Plenary Session 2 – Towards a new understanding of mental health and wellbeing

  • Dr Christian Rück, Professor, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Author. "Can we get out of the neurotic threadmill?”
  • Dr Vikram Patel, Professor of Global Health, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Dr Dixon Chibanda, Associate Professor, Cenre for Global Mental Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Towards positive mental health and wellbeing: Lessons from Friendship Bench Zimbabwe

16:25 Wrap-up of Day 1

16:30 End of Day 1

Day 2: 19 October

14:00 Welcome back

14:05 Plenary Session 3: Innovative strategies for closing the treatment gap

  • Dr Andy Blackwell, Chief Scientific Officer, IESO Digital Health, UK: Rethinking the role of technology in improving access and quality in mental healthcare
  • Dr Paul Farrand, Professor, University of Exeter, UK: Reimagining Support for Low-Intensity CBT: The Promise of AI
  • Dr Gerhard Andersson, Professor, Linköping University, Sweden: Psychological internet treatments work and can be exported to other cultures and languages
  • Dr Andrea M. Beetz, Professor, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany: Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions for Mental Health and Wellbeing


15:20 Break

15:30 Workshops in Parallel:

18:00 End of Day 2

Day 3: 20 October

14:00 Welcome Back

14:05 Plenary Session 4 – Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health

  • Dr Nick Allen, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oregon, USA, Digital pragmatism: How can we use social media and digital devices to support adolescent mental health?
  • Dr Jacqueline Nesi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University, USA: "Rethinking Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health: Risks, Benefits, and Opportunities."
  • Dr Madeleine George, Public Health Research Analyst at RTI International, Durham North Carolina, USA, Adolescents in the digital age: technology use, wellbeing, and parenting

14:55 Break

15:00 Workshops in Parallel:

17:30 End of Day 3

Day 4: 21 October - Conference Closing

14:00 Welcome Back

14:05 Plenary Session 5: Pathways to lifelong mental wellbeing

  • Dr Christian Benedict, Associate Professor in Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden, A sleep-deprived society: A brief wake-up call!
  • Dr Catharine Ward Thompson, Professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Edinburgh, UK Healthy green space and inclusive landscapes: the salutogenic environment
  • Dr Steven C. Hayes Nevada Foundation Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, Founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), USA , Isn’t That Tweet: ACT in 15 Minutes

15:30 Report back from workshops

16:15 Closing Remarks, The Road Ahead.

  • Dr. Ing-Marie Wieselgren, MD, PhD Psychiatry, Project Manager for Joint Action for Mental Health Sweden, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions

16:30 End of Summit

Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se